commonsdownloader package

commonsdownloader package.


Download files from Wikimedia Commons.

class commonsdownloader.commonsdownloader.Folder(option_strings, dest, nargs=None, const=None, default=None, type=None, choices=None, required=False, help=None, metavar=None)

Bases: argparse.Action

An argparse action for directories.

commonsdownloader.commonsdownloader.download_files_if_not_in_manifest(files_iterator, output_path)

Download the given files to the given path, unless in manifest.

commonsdownloader.commonsdownloader.download_from_category(category_name, output_path, width)

Download files of a given category.

commonsdownloader.commonsdownloader.download_from_file_list(file_list, output_path)

Download files from a given textfile list.

commonsdownloader.commonsdownloader.download_from_files(files, output_path, width)

Download files from a given file list.


Yield the file names of a category by querying the MediaWiki API.

commonsdownloader.commonsdownloader.get_files_from_arguments(files, width)

Yield the file names and chosen width.


Yield the file names and widths by parsing a text file handler.


Return the path to the local downloading manifest.

commonsdownloader.commonsdownloader.is_file_in_manifest(file_name, width, manifest)

Whether the given file, in its given width, is in manifest.


Main method, entry point of the script.


Return the contents of the local manifest, as a dictionary.

commonsdownloader.commonsdownloader.write_file_to_manifest(file_name, width, manifest_fh)

Write the given file in manifest.


Download files from Wikimedia Commons.

exception commonsdownloader.thumbnaildownload.CouldNotWriteFileOnDiskException

Bases: commonsdownloader.thumbnaildownload.DownloadException

Exception raised when the file could not be written on disk.

exception commonsdownloader.thumbnaildownload.DownloadException

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Base class for exceptions in this module.

exception commonsdownloader.thumbnaildownload.FileDoesNotExistException

Bases: commonsdownloader.thumbnaildownload.DownloadException

Exception raised when a requested file does not exist.

exception commonsdownloader.thumbnaildownload.RequestedWidthBiggerThanSourceException

Bases: commonsdownloader.thumbnaildownload.DownloadException

Exception raised when the requested width is bigger than source file.


Return a cleaned-up extension - only applies for JPEG.


Return the cleaned-up file title.

commonsdownloader.thumbnaildownload.download_file(image_name, output_path, width=100)

Download a given Wikimedia Commons file.

commonsdownloader.thumbnaildownload.get_exception_based_on_api_message(message, image_name='')

Return the exception matching the given API error message.


Return the file contents of given file at full size.

commonsdownloader.thumbnaildownload.get_thumbnail_of_file(image_name, width)

Return the file contents of the thumbnail of the given file.


Return the URL to the full size of the file.

commonsdownloader.thumbnaildownload.make_thumb_url(image_name, width)

Return the URL to the thumbnail of the file, at the given width.

commonsdownloader.thumbnaildownload.make_thumbnail_name(image_name, extension)

Return name of the downloaded thumbnail, based on the extension.